Marcus Micus est de retour avec son Shotgun Blues !
Venez prendre votre cartouche de Blues, ça sent les bons riffs de guitares et les textes torturés...
- Phil Vermont [Time has come] Your time has come Dixiefrog
- Phil Vermont [Time has come] Tribal dance Dixiefrog
- Tomislav Goluban [Nashville Road] Hip hop shake Overton Music
- Tomislav Goluban [Nashville Road] Bad choices make good stories Overton Music
- Rod Barthet [Le Phare des infortunes] Le phare des infortunes Inouie Distribution
- Rod Barthet [Le Phare des infortunes] J'ai bien cru Inouie Distribution
- Greg Nagy [The real you] Mississippi blues Raychay Music
- Greg Nagy [The real you] Never mine Raychay Music
- Eddie 9 Volt [ Saratago] Saratago Ruf
- Eddie 9 Volt [Saratago] Love move slow Ruf
- Eddie 9 Volt [Saratago] Love you all the way down Ruf
The Hitman Blues Band[Calling Long Distance] Foolish pride Nerus
- The Hitman Blues Band [Calling Long Distance] Wide old river Nerus
- Larkin' Poe [Bloom] If God is a woman Tricki-Woo
- Larkin' Poe[Bloom] Mockingbird Tricki-Woo
GA 20 [Single] Cryin' & Pleadin' Karma Chief