Marcus Micus est de retour avec son Shotgun Blues !
Venez prendre votre cartouche de Blues, ça sent les bons riffs de guitares et les textes torturés...
- Joe Bonamassa[Single] Shake this ground J&R Adventures
- Eric Johanson [Live in Mississippi] I Walk on guilded splinters Ruf
- Eric Johanson [Live in Mississippi] Familiar Sound Ruf
- Ronan One Man Band [A Piece of life]I'm in love PlouzProd
- Ronan One Man Band [A Piece of life] I Won't let you go PlouzProd
- Jennifer Porter [Sun Come and Shine] Sun come and shine Overton Music
- Steve Howell & the mighty men [Yeah Man] Mercy mercymercy Out of the past
- Steve Howell & the mighty men [Yeah Man] Wade in the wader Out of the past
- Jimmy Vivino [Gonna be 2 of those days] Fool's gold Gulf Coast
- Jimmy Vivino [Gonna be 2 of those days] Better days past Gulf Coast
- Micki Free [Dreamcatcher] Dreamcatcher live Bungalo
- The Bob Lanza Blues Band [Breadman's Blues] A man like me Mamajo
- Warren Haynes [Million Voices Whisper] Real, real Love Fantasy
- Warren Haynes [Million Voices Whisper] You Ain't Above Me Fantasy