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Marcus Micus est de retour avec son Shotgun Blues !
Venez prendre votre cartouche de Blues, ça sent les bons riffs de guitares et les textes torturés...
Ayron Jones [Blood In The Water] Blood In The Water Big Machine Records
GA-20 [Try It..You Might Like It] She’s Gone Colemine Records
The Marshals [Le petit Cham Session] Rolling Flower Coast
The Marshals [Le petit Cham Session] Howl Flower Coast
Sister Lucille [Tell The World] Why Not You Blue Heart Records
Sister Lucille [Tell The World] My Name Is Lucille Blue Heart Records
The Gayle Harrod Band [Temptation] You’re Gonna Miss Me Self Made
The Gayle Harrod Band [Temptation] Beautiful Friend Self Made
Deuce’n a quarter [Keep Moving On] Swing At The Blues
Deuce’n a quarter [Keep Moving On] Keep Moving On
Ana Popovic [Power] Queen Of The Pack Artistexclusiv9 Records
Ana Popovic [Power] Flicker ’n Flame Artistexclusiv9 Records
Jeff Pitchell [Playin’ with My Friends] Eye For An Eye Deguello Records
Jeff Pitchell [Playin’ with My Friends] Blinded By Desire Deguello Records