Marcus Micus est de retour avec son Shotgun Blues !
Venez prendre votre cartouche de Blues, ça sent les bons riffs de guitares et les textes torturés...
- Blackberry Smoke [You Hear Georgia] Ain’t The Same Thirty Tigers Records
- Blackberry Smoke [The Whippoorwill] Shakin’ Hands With The Holy Ghost Earache Records
- Billy Gibbons [Hardware] West Coast Junkie Concord Music
- Billy Gibbons [Hardware] Desert High Concord Music
- Alex Lopez [Rising Up] Rising Up Maremil
- Alex Lopez [Rising Up] Even Up The Score Maremil
- The Halley DeVestren Band [Money Ain’t Time] Boil Self
- Clarence Spady [Surrender] Down Home Blues Nola Blues Records
- Clarence Spady [Surrender] Jones Falls Expresway Nola Blues Records
- The Reverend Shawn Amos [The Cause Of It All] Spoonfull Put Together Music
- The Reverend Shawn Amos [The Cause Of It All] Can’t Hold Out Much Longer Put Together Music
- Reverend Freakchild [Supramundane Blues] See That His Grave Is Kept Clean Treatedandreleasedrecords
- Reverend Freakchild [Supramundane Blues] Keep On Praying Treatedandreleasedrecords